It can seem overwhelming at times to be confronted with the negative effects that humans are having on the environment, but you don’t have to feel helpless at this point today. Cycling legend and environmental conservation advocate Marty Nothstein believes that there are plenty of simple things you can do every day to help preserve Earth for future generations.
Turn Off Lights When Not In Great Use
You may not think that turning off a light when you leave a room is a big deal, but it can have a huge impact on the environment. If everyone in the world did this, you would save over $6 billion in energy costs and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those produced by about 1 million cars per year.
Throw Out Your Bottled Water And Turn To Reusable Bottles
Utilizing a reusable water bottle is a simple but effective way to reduce one’s carbon footprint. By using a reusable bottle, you can greatly save more money from buying bottled water and help protect the planet by reducing waste at the same time. But if you’re going to buy bottled water, make sure to do so in bulk or at least come from a local source.
Walk Or Ride Your Bike To Whatever Destination You May Have
You can save a lot of money by walking or riding a bike instead of driving. If you live in an area with good public transportation, this is another great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Walkable communities are healthier and happier places to live since they foster social interaction and make it easier for people to get around without cars.
Use Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs)
Marty Nothstein And lastly, using the best compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) is a great way for you to help reduce your impact on the environment. They use about 75% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer.
However, most CFL lights available today are also more expensive, so in case you are looking for an economical but still environment-friendly alternative, you should consider LED lightbulbs instead, as they cost even less and last even longer than CFLs do.